Category Archives: Stamps of the World

“Music is a moral law. It gives inspiration to the entire world, wings to the soul and raises the thoughts of man up to the heavens. Music is the basis of the order. It is the embodiment of eternal beauty and glory.” These words by the great Greek philosopher Plato would find resonance in the soil of Azerbaijan be he a philosopher or just ordinary worker. Harmonic music lives in the very nature of this land, in its soil, trees and rocks. Classic Azerbaijani poetry is filled with lines about music and the supreme spiritual enjoyment that it gives. The rich musical heritage created since the ancient times is absolute proof of a genetic talent that is inherent in every generation of the Azerbaijani nation which produced Azerbaijani Music Maestros! Continue reading Azerbaijani Music Maestros

Stamps of Oldenburg

Previously, we read about the Stamps of Grand Duchy of Baden. In this blog, we are going to familiarize ourselves to the stamps of another set of rarely known stamps. The stamps of the Grand Duchy of Oldenburg or commonly known as the Stamps of Oldenburg. Before we move on towards the stamps, it is necessary to know more about this Duchy. Continue reading Stamps of Oldenburg

Stamps of Baden

Prior to the North German Confederation, German States stamps were issued by most of the separate Germanic kingdoms, duchies, free-cities, etc. of Northern Europe. The Grand Duchy of Baden was a state in the southwest German Empire on the east bank of the Rhine. The State of Baden came into existence since the 12th Century. However, the Grand Duchy of Baden came into existence in 1806 It became a republic for a while in 1849, following the German uprisings of 1848, but Prussia intervened, and the Grand Duchy was restored. With the advent of postage stamps and new postal administrations, Grand Duchy of Baden also issued stamps. Though less in number, the handful stamps of Baden give a peek into the history of Baden. Get ready to explore the small and sweet Duchy of the stamps of Baden. Continue reading Stamps of Baden


Music has the power to take you a different world, relieve you from all your worries and relax your mind. From a very long time, human beings have indulged themselves in all kinds of music and it has become an important element of cultures from around the world. From the hard rock to the pure pop, ten hit songs of Rock Australia! All songs featured on these commemorative stamps from 2011 were great hits that found their way into the hearts of the music-lovers and philatelists too!

Continue reading Australian Rock Music Commemorated on Stamps

Stamps of Helgoland

The Helgoland or Heligoland is an island in the North Sea with a population of around 1,700. This tiny island, though otherwise unknown, is a celebrated name in the world of philately. The handful of stamps issued with this name are quite precious. Before we get into the small world of the Stamps of Helgoland, let’s learn about the nation and its history. Continue reading Stamps of Helgoland

War Saving Stamps

The wars begin as a conflict between the two nations or two ideologies and gradually, it takes a wide form that engulfs the entire world. With War comes change! And the political changes are just the beginning. Living in a country that’s at war changes the way you think, it changes your perspective on everything! One such change that every war in history brought with itself was the disastrous plunge in the economy! But it is vital to understand that even during these gruesome times, life does not stop and the economic needs remain just as same as that during the times of peace. The world, over the centuries, has Continue reading War Saving Stamps

Curacao's Stamps with Banknotes

Coins, Stamps, and Banknotes not just make great collectibles but also offer a solid platform that stimulates the curious minds. However fascinating is keeping a collection, having more than one hobby can be a little bit exhausting and expensive. What if two hobbies are spliced into one? The Curacao Post has brilliantly combined Notaphily with Philately together which yielded an amazing result. World’s most peculiar hobbies i.e Notaphily – the study of banknotes – and Philately – the study of postage stamps are brought together by Curacao’s Post. ‘Curacao’s Stamps with Banknotes’ is an interesting chapter for those who wish to collect both Notes and Stamps in one go. Continue reading Notaphily through Philately – Curacao’s Stamps with Banknotes


Animals, especially their young ones, are always fun to observe, be it in safaris or in documentaries or even on stamps! In 2001, Australia Post issued a set of 6 commemorative stamps featuring cartoons of “Australian Wild Babies on Stamps”. These stamps filled with cakes, sweets and cute baby animals depict a birthday party of Kevin, the koala bear!

Continue reading Born to be Wild: Australian Wild Babies on Stamps!

Freedom Bell Stamps of Berlin

“This world under God shall have a new birth of freedom”! The words carved on the Freedom Bell of Berlin denote the beginning of a new era and the end of a gloomy episode. ‘The Freedom Bell Stamps of Berlin’ are nothing but a raconteur of that by-gone epoch!  Every piece of stamp tells a story. Along with these small, multi-colored pieces of paper come the long, adventurous and out of the ordinary chronicles. ‘Freedom Bell Stamps of Berlin’ is one such valuable collection that unfolds the entire journal of past events that collectively tell us a lesser-heard story. Continue reading History through Philately-The Freedom Bell Stamps of Berlin


Afghanistan, which stands at a crossroad of the ancient civilizations in the East and West, has kept a unique treasure in different parts of its land. In this blog, we will explore the Cultural Heritage of Afghanistan which has been destroyed or is at a risk of ruin from armed conflict.


Hundreds of Archaeological sites, monuments and unique cultural and historical objects relating to different periods, such as Greco Bactrian, Kushan, Sassanid-Ephtalits, Hindu Shahis, and Islamic, were unearthed in this country. A large portion of these objects was kept in the Kabul National Museum and numbers of them were preserved in the depot of the Archaeological Institute.

Continue reading Cultural Heritage of Afghanistan on stamps
