Tag Archives: stamps of the world


It is said that travelling is the best way to broaden one’s knowledge about the world. Some of the most curious minds of all time have traversed across the world to see the unseen and know the unknown. Much of our knowledge of ancient and medieval history comes from the accounts of scholars who as pilgrims, travellers and traders crossed the seas and difficult land routes. In their writings on their observations and experiences of a country new and strange to them, they left valuable contributions to the historical understanding of early societies. As outsiders, they found worthy of mention facets and facts about the country that native writers missed or often simply took for granted and hence ignored. In this blog, we are going to discuss some Commemorative Postage Stamps illustrating Scholars and Travelers of the Islamic World. These scholars and travellers gave us some masterpiece writings which throwing light on the geographical, economic and social conditions of that time. Continue reading Commemorative Postage Stamps illustrating Scholars and Travelers of the Islamic World

Commemorative Coins depicting Postage Stamps

Compared to coins, postage stamps are a very modern invention. Since the first stamp of the world – Penny Black Stamp – postage stamps have long attracted the passion of collectors, including King Farouk of Egypt, Franklin D. Roosevelt, and John Lennon. Continue reading Commemorative Coins depicting Postage Stamps – Part I

Nobel Laureates on Stamps

We all have heard of Nobel Prizes and the Nobel Prize winners too. Winning a Nobel Prize is a life-changing honour. Whether the laureate is an internationally known figure or a scientist or an activist plucked from obscurity, the award brings with it worldwide recognition that highlights one’s life work and provides the funds to continue and further the mission. In this blog, we will trace the Nobel Laureates on Stamps. But before we go into it, let’s know more about Alfred Nobel and how and why he started these awards in the first place. Continue reading Nobel Laureates on Stamps

Stamps of Oldenburg

Previously, we read about the Stamps of Grand Duchy of Baden. In this blog, we are going to familiarize ourselves to the stamps of another set of rarely known stamps. The stamps of the Grand Duchy of Oldenburg or commonly known as the Stamps of Oldenburg. Before we move on towards the stamps, it is necessary to know more about this Duchy. Continue reading Stamps of Oldenburg

Stamps of Baden

Prior to the North German Confederation, German States stamps were issued by most of the separate Germanic kingdoms, duchies, free-cities, etc. of Northern Europe. The Grand Duchy of Baden was a state in the southwest German Empire on the east bank of the Rhine. The State of Baden came into existence since the 12th Century. However, the Grand Duchy of Baden came into existence in 1806 It became a republic for a while in 1849, following the German uprisings of 1848, but Prussia intervened, and the Grand Duchy was restored. With the advent of postage stamps and new postal administrations, Grand Duchy of Baden also issued stamps. Though less in number, the handful stamps of Baden give a peek into the history of Baden. Get ready to explore the small and sweet Duchy of the stamps of Baden. Continue reading Stamps of Baden
