Category Archives: Stamps of India

Master Healers of AYUSH

In order to highlight the great work and achievements of the great Master Healers of AYUSH systems, the Union Ministry of AYUSH has planned to honor eminent scholars and practitioners in the field by releasing 12 commemorative postage stamps which were released by Hon’ble PM of India Narendra Modi. AYUSH (Ayurveda, Yoga, Unani, Siddha, and Homoeopathy) systems of healthcare form the foundation of India’s Medical Heritage. These systems are not merely the sciences of disease and drugs but have their conceptual spheres touching every aspect of life. Continue reading India Features Master Healers of AYUSH

Doors on Stamps

Doors or an entrance is developed for the smooth administration and trade. The first innovation of fortified city or fort was introduced for protection. All over the world, there are numerous examples of the advance fort and fortified towns. India has a long history of forts; the Shisunaga Gadh fort is one of the first forts of India. One of the best examples of the ancient fort is the fort of Rajgruha. Many literary sources elaborate on the fundamental structure of forts but the most important is given to the doors. Continue reading Chronicle’s of Mammoth Doors on Stamps – II

Major Battle Theaters of India in World War I

The First World War was a truly global conflict and involved many Commonwealth countries that made huge sacrifices vital to Britain’s war effort. Though India was a British Colony at that time, it actively supported the war effort in its bid to gain Dominion status/Independence from the British Raj and contributed immensely to numerous battlefields around the globe. Continue reading History through Philately – Major Battle Theaters of India in World War I



Settlement and farming lead to great development in human history. The gradual progress increased the necessity of protection which further resulted in fortification. The first fortified city was the Proto-city of Jericho and since then fortification became an important part of many major cities in the world. The main aspects of fortification are the grand doors that help these fortified towns to supervise, cooperate and protect. According to the literary sources like Arthashastra and Adnyapatra, a door should be made at the weakest part of any fortified city or a fort so it can be well protected. In the later period as the trade Continue reading Chronicle’s of mammoth doors on stamp

In this blog we will trace the Nobel Laureates on Indian Stamps.

We all have heard of Nobel Prizes and the Nobel Prize winners too. Winning a Nobel Prize is a life-changing honour. Whether the laureate is an internationally known figure or a scientist or an activist plucked from obscurity, the award brings with it worldwide recognition that highlights one’s life work and provides the funds to continue and further the mission. In this blog we will trace the Nobel Laureates on Indian Stamps. But before we go into it, let’s know more about Alfred Nobel and how and why he started these awards in first place.

Continue reading Nobel Laureates on Indian Stamps – I

Life Story of Sardar Patel

“My only desire is that India should be a good producer and no one should be hungry, shedding tears for food in the country”. Once in a generation there comes an intellectual leader and visionary, who aims for the skies while feet firmly on the ground, mind made of diamond and fists made of iron, whose passion and sharp mind sculpted today’s India. This is the Life Story of Sardar Patel narrated with the help of stamps and coins issued by the Government of India. Continue reading Life Story of Sardar Patel

National Symbols of India featured on Stamps

India has many national symbols with which she identifies herself and takes pride in them. These symbols have been chosen from India’s unique flora and fauna, and culture and civilization. In a nutshell, these symbols say a lot about our motherland. To commemorate these beautiful symbols, India Postal Department has issued various stamps. Let’s continue our journey of exploring the various National Symbols of India featured on Stamps. Continue reading National Symbols of India featured on Stamps – Part II

handicrafts on stamps

Despite rapid social and technological changes in India, the use of craft products is an integral aspect of an Indian’s social life.  Handicraft aims at processing materials by hand with hand tools. The result of this can be a useful thing or a decorative item. The tradition of making handicrafts is deeply frozen in the social norms of Indian society. In any of the handmade products, a crafter transfers an aspect of their cultural heritage to the ideas, forms, material and manufacturing process of the craft. Continue reading Traditional craft of India: Handicrafts on Stamps Part II

Indian Air Warriors of World War I

Every stamp tells a story. Along with these small, multi-colored pieces of paper come the long, adventurous and out of the ordinary chronicles. These valuable pieces of collectibles unfold the entire journal of past events that collectively tell us lesser-heard stories. They have become unusual pieces of evidence of past and the narrators of modern history. The story that the stamps are telling today is the story of a great war. Continue reading History through Philately – Indian Air Warriors of World War I

Handicraft on stamps

Handmade crafts made and designed by the artisan are defined as a handicraft. If we further elaborate Handicraft, it is an art solely created by hand without using any kind of machinery!  The process of making handicraft requires a different type of goods and skilled people who can convert decorative items out of papers, clays, wood, rock, fabric and much cheaper and easily available tools from nature. It is essential to have the favourable geographical condition and skilled labours for the rich tradition of making handicraft for cultures and societies throughout the world. Hence, India has a rich and continuous tradition in creating handicrafts and its antiquity can be traced to the Harappan Continue reading Traditional craft of India: Handicraft on stamps
