Coins : Bruno II, Wilhelm I (V) and Johann Georg IV (Trade Coinage)
More Rulers
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- Bruno II, Wilhelm I, Johann Georg IV, Volrat VI (Countship Standard Coinage)
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- Wolfgang III and Joachim Friedrich (Countship Standard Coinage)
- Bruno II, Wilhelm I, Volrat VI and Jobst II (Countship Standard Coinage)
- Wolfgang III, Bruno III and Joachim Friedrich (Countship Standard Coinage)
- Wolfgang III, Bruno III, Joachim Friedrich and Philipp V (Countship Standard Coinage)
- Wolfgang III (Countship Standard Coinage)
- Franz Mazimilian and Heinrich Franz (Countship Standard Coinage)
- Bruno II, Wilhelm I (V) and Johann Georg IV (Countship Standard Coinage)
- Bruno II, Wilhelm I, Johann Georg IV and Volrat VI (Countship Standard Coinage)
- Wolfgang III and Johann Georg II (Countship Standard Coinage)
- Bruno II,Wilhelm I, Johann Georg IV and Volrat VI (Countship Standard Coinage)
- Wolfgang III and Bruno III (Countship Standard Coinage)
- Bruno II, Wilhelm I (V) and Johann Georg IV (Trade Coinage)
- Bruno II, Wilhelm I, Johann Georg IV, Volrat VI and Jobst II (Trade Coinage)
- Franz Mazimilian and Heinrich Franz (Trade Coinage)
- Wolfgang III and Johann Georg II (Trade Coinage)
- Bruno II, Wilhelm I, Johann Georg IV and Volrat VI (Trade Coinage)
- Karl Adam (Trade Coinage)