Tag Archives: satellites on stamps

stamps featuring satellites

Humans have always thrown their weight around, carrying loads of ego with them, thinking that they own the planet. But the matter of the fact is that we are almost like a needle in a stack of piles and piles of hay, in his infinitely expansive universe. Astronomy and space expeditions have helped us understand about the beautiful celestial bodies that surround us and their evolution over time. India has been one of the leading countries in contributing towards space research. The space agency Indian Space Research Organisation ISRO was established in 1969, headquartered in Bengaluru to harness space technology for national development, pursue space science research and planetary exploration. The idea was envisioned in 1962 by India’s first Prime Minister, Jawaharlal Nehru and scientist Vikram Sarabhai. Let’s take a look at some stamps of India which depicted missions undertaken by ISRO.

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