Photos From Space on New French Stamps

2018-07-31 Tue

France released a new booklet of 12 stamps on 4th June featuring photos taken by the French aerospace engineer, pilot and European Space Agency astronaut - Thomas Pesquet. The astronaut had spent six months on the International Space Station in 2016 and 2017.

One of the stamps features a photo of Paris at night that was taken on 14th April 2017. Another one shows the Atlantic island of Noirmoutier that was taken from space on 16th February 2017. The interesting twists of Green River in the US are featured on another stamp.

Snow and ice in Canada, China and Russia; fields in Saudi Arabia and Spain; Persian Gulf, Bissagos Islands of Guinea-Bissau, and the mouth of Betsiboka River in Madagascar are depicted on some of the other photographs.

The non-denominated stamps pay the reduced green letter rate of €0.80. The stamps were designed by Etienne Thery and printed by Philaposte using gravure technique.

Image Courtesy: La Poste