Rare Swiss Stamps Auctioned by Corinphila

2018-01-09 Tue

Rare Swiss stamps were offered on 10th and 11th November during Corinphila’s series of November auctions. An 1850 Rayon II federal administration stamp with a black frame around the cross was sold for $84,000. An on-cover example of the stamp sold for almost $156,000.

A vertical pair of the 1843 Double Geneva stamp issued by the cantonal administration of Geneva was another highlight. The item which comprises of two left halves of the stamp, used on fragment was sold for $96,000. A pair of these stamps is generally found in a horizontal orientation with unsevered left and right stamps.

The 1849 4-centime Geneva issue on a cover was sold for $25,200. Two different 1845 stamps from Basel on a cover was sold for $26,400 and $43,200, respectively. A strip of four federal administration “ORTS-POST” 1850 stamps on cover realized was sold for $28,800. Three examples of the 1850 “POSTE LOCALE” stamps on a cover sold for $31,200.