Rare Swiss Stamps Sold by Corinphila Auctions

2017-12-26 Tue

Rare Swiss stamps were offered by Corinphila auctions on 10th and 11th November. An 1850 Swiss Rayon II federal administration stamp with a black frame around the cross was sold for $84,000. A similar stamp on a cover was sold for almost $156,000.

A vertical pair of the 1843 Double Geneva stamp made of two left halves of the stamp on a fragment was sold for $96,000. Generally, the pair is found in a horizontal position with unsevered left and right stamps.

The 1849 4-centime Geneva stamp on ca over was sold for $25,200. Two 1845 stamps from Basel on a cover sold for $26,400 and $43,200. A strip of four federal administration “ORTS-POST” 1850 stamps on a cover was sold for $28,800. Three 1850 “POSTE LOCALE” stamps on a cover were auctioned for $31,200.