Rupie of German East African

2020-10-31 Sat

Between 1890 and 1916, the Rupie was the currency of German East Africa. German East Africa colonies comprised of Burundi, Rwanda and Tanzania. The German East Africa attained rights to mint coinage in 1890. They issued rupies which were equivalent to the Indian and Zanzibar rupee.

After 1904, Rupie was subdivided into 64 Pesa and also equivalent to 100 Heller. A fixed exchange rate of that contemporary period was 15 Rupien equal to 10 Mark.

In 1890, copper 1 Pesa and silver 1 and 2 Rupie coins were issued. Next year, silver ¼ and ½ Rupie were issued. 2 Rupie coins were issued in 1893. Later in 1904, bronze ½ and 1 Heller were introduced, followed by bronze 5 Heller and holed, cupro-nickel 10 Heller in 1908.

During World War I, a huge series of emergency banknotes were issued. It also included 15 Rupien coins which contained an equivalent amount of gold from the Sekenke Gold Mine which exuviated 15 German Marks.

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