Australia’s 50 Cent Coin with Indigenous Languages

2020-09-26 Sat

Australia has issued new-look 50 cent coins which are a celebration of Australia's unique and diverse Indigenous languages. The coin will serve as a tangible reminder of the important efforts being undertaken to preserve, protect and revitalize indigenous languages in Australia.

Indigenous languages in Australia carry more meaning than the words themselves, so too does currency carry meaning beyond its monetary value. The release of these coins is another milestone in recognizing the diverse cultures that shape our national story of over 60,000 years.

The reverse design features a series of vertical wavy lines positioned in an irregular pattern, separated by ornamental design elements including irregular shapes and textured patterns. On eight of the lines is etched a single word in 14 different languages. The above words in Aboriginal languages from across Australia mean "money".

Image Courtesy: onlinecoin.club