Tag Archives: Orissa

In the last two blogs, we discuss how Bengal Sultanate was formed and how it was ruled by different dynasties. Today we will discuss the Ilyas Shah Dynasty and coinage of the Ilyas Shah Dynasty.

Continue reading Coins of Ilyas Shah Dynasty


‘Shrusti Devo Shilpam, TTasya Pratikruti Manushya Shilpam’, it means ‘Nature is the art of god and human art is just a gist and imagination of it’. Therefore, the art developed by the men is influenced and copied from the nature. Indian art and architecture has beautiful and magnificent examples of this brilliant influence. These monuments are the insignia of Indian culture and tradition. There are so many of such splendid structures on this land, yet the best chosen among them are renowned monuments known all over the world as the “seven wonders of India”. These massive architectural miracles have ornamented this land with its splendid beauty.

Continue reading Architectural marvels of all time: Seven Wonders of India
