Maine State Quarter Dollar

2019-03-28 Thu

Maine is one of the states of the United States of America; it is situated in the New England region of the northernmost part of the United States of America. This state is mainly known for its rocky coastline, maritime history and natural areas like the granite and spruce islands of Acadia National Park. Overall this state is 12th smallest state by its area, 9th least popular state, and 38th most densely populated state amongst 50 states of the United States of America.

State Maine is bordered by New Hampshire to the west, the Atlantic Ocean to the southeast, and the Canadian provinces of New Brunswick and Quebec to the northeast and northwest respectively. This state is also well known for its jagged rocky coastline, rolling mountains as well as for its seafood cuisine, especially lobster and clams.

The United States of America had issued a commemorative quarter dollar with the theme of state Maine in the year 2003. This quarter dollar third dollar release in the year 2003 and overall it is 23rd coin released in 50 State Quarters Dollar Program. The reverse of the coin depicts incorporated rendition of the Pemaquid Point Light atop a granite coast and a schooner at sea.

Image Courtesy: usmint.gov