First Commemorative Stamps of El Salvador

2018-11-28 Wed

First commemorative stamps of El Salvador were issued on 1st Feb 1911 to celebrate the centenary of the 1811 Independence Movement.

On 5 November 1811, Salvadoran priest Jose Matias Delgado rang the bells of Iglesia La Merced in San Salvador, calling for insurrection and launching the 1811 Independence Movement. This insurrection was suppressed and many of its leaders were arrested and served sentences in jail.

The centenary of this event of national importance was celebrated with the issue of a set of three stamps. The stamp were issued with three denominations with common design of the a star in the centre surrounded by circular vignette which is inscribed with “CORREOS DE EL SALVADORE” and “AMERICA CENTRAL” The stamps are featured with a different image at the centre of each stamp.

The stamp with the lowest denomination of 5 Salvadoran centavos has a portrait of priest Jose Matias. He is the one who gave a call for insurrection and launching the 1811 Independence Movement.
The 6 Salvadoran centavos denominated stamp depicts an effigy of Manuel Jose Arce. He was the leader of the revolt in San Salvador. And
the stamp with the highest denomination of 12 Salvadoran centavos feature the Monumento de los Héroes (Monument to the Heroes) at San Salvador which is a commemoration of the centenary of the "First Cry of Independence" in 1811.

These stamps issued to commemorate the "First Cry of Independence" in 1811 are known to be the first commemorative stamps of the country.

Image Courtesy: http://kayatana.com