Baroda Gold Mohur Listed For INR 1,60,000

2018-11-10 Sat

This gold mohur was issued by Sayaji Rao III of Princely State Baroda. Sayaji Rao III belonged to the royal Gaekwad dynasty of the Marathas which ruled parts of present-day Gujarat. He was a Maharaja of Baroda State from 1875 to1939.

Sayaji Rao III issued coins in gold, silver, and copper, during his reign. These coins were struck from Baroda and Amreli mints. The denominations are Mohur, Rupee, Paisa, Annas, Pai etc.

This gold mohur is listed for INR 1,60,000 at Todywalla auction which will be held in Mumbai on 24th November 2018.

Image Courtesy: Todywalla Auction