Stamp of Gibraltar that Holds a World Record

2018-06-29 Fri

Also known as 75th Evacuation Anniversary stamp, this 2-pound stamp of Gibraltar holds a world record for featuring 2183 words inside a 40 x 32mm stamp and explaining in details the history of the evacuation of the civilian population of Gibraltar during World War II.

The story of Gibraltar’s evacuation is one of the few untold stories of the Second World War. During the Second World War to accommodate the military personnel it was decided that 16,000 civilians should be evacuated. Hence, over 70% of the total population of Gibraltar was evacuated to French Morocco.

Even though the families were torn apart, the migrants accepted these hardships with immense courage and as an act of duty and loyalty to their motherland. Hence, to commemorate their sacrifice and selfless contribution, a set of five stamps were issued.

The stamps were issued with different denominations ranging from 12 pence to 2 pounds. The other four stamps feature the photographs taken at the time of migration while the highest denomination stamp tells its story featuring the Gibraltar Evacuees Memorial Sculpture situated at Waterport Road.

The very stamp holds a world record for fitting a whole in a tiny place.

Image Curtsey: http://4.bp.blogspot.com