The birth of Himachal Pradesh

2018-01-25 Thu

Today on 25th January 1971, Himachal Pradesh received the title of Statehood. The credit for the birth of this magnificent state goes to the first Chief Minister of this state Dr Yashwant Singh Parmar.

Himachal means the abode of snow, a word which was coined by the eminent Sanskrit scholar Acharya Diwakar Datt Sharma.This state is blessed with the natural environment, hill stations and temples. The history of this state can be connected to Indus Valley Civilisation and the Mahajanapadas. Later on, the Guptas, Harshavardhana and other Rajput’s rulers too ruled this land. The conquerors like Timur and Sikander Lodhi had fought many battles on this soil and the mighty Mughal Empire has tightened their roots in this rich land.

The regions and small territories of this state came under the British Crown after Queen Victoria’s proclamation of 1858. The state is also known as ‘Dev Bhoomi’ meaning the Abode of Gods due to the occurrence of various historical temples in Himachal.

To welcome the formation of Himachal Pradesh in the Union of India, India Post has issued a commemorative stamp depicting this state’s first Chief Minister Dr Y.S. Parmar.