
Kushan Emperor Vima Kadphises Gold Dinar, weighing 7.99g, was sold for INR 4,10,000

2024-09-23 Mon

Vima Kadphises ruled the Kushan Empire and was the father of the great ruler Kaniska I. He was a devotee of Lord Shiva, and his coins depict Shiva with Nandi.

Vima Kadphises' gold Dinar, weighing 7.99g, was auctioned for INR 410000 in Bengaluru on 12 July 2024.

The obverse features the bust of the king facing toward the right, wearing a diadem and domed crown, legend 'BACILEYC OOH MO KADFICHC' written around it. The reverse features shiva standing facing head left, holding a composite trident with an axe in the right hand, Kharoshthi legend Maharajasa rajadirajasa sarvaloga isvarasa mahisvarasa hima kaphthisasa tradara(sa) around.

Image Courtesy: Todywalla Auction