Protect Your Growing Collection

2020-07-28 Tue

Collectors from coastal areas face issues while storing their currency collection such as high humidity, air pollution, saline air, and extreme temperatures. Such natural components interfere with their stored collection of banknotes. Therefore, it is important to store banknotes in protective holders or albums. In a way to keep them in an area of relatively uniform temperature and humidity also away from direct sunlight.

Here, Mintage World suggests you go for transparent LEUCHTTURM plastic sheets with one horizontal pocket that is ideal for storing banknotes, postcards, playing and trading cards as well as documents of all types in A4 and A5 size.

It is clear welded strips completely cover the inserted collection items. Thereby, it offers optimum protection. It is 100% free from chemical softeners and acids. The pack has 5 sheets. The dimension of the sheet is 242 x 312 mm.

Disclaimer: We will deliver your order as soon as our system resume. Due to the lockdown deliveries may be restrained for a certain period. We appreciate your patience!