Gold Dinar of Ibrahim Shah of Kashmir Sultanate

2018-12-17 Mon

The coins of the Kashmir sultanate were unlike any other coins of the Indian Sultanates. Silver sasnus and bronze kaserahs were overvalued in Kashmir - it is said that 1.5 Sasnu's (about 9.3 grams silver content) went to a rupee (about 11.5 grams of silver content). Bronze coinage was similarly overvalued. The coins did not see wide circulation and were not often hoarded. This is the reason why the coins of Kashmir are almost never found outside of its boundaries and are all scarce.

Ibrahim Shah ruled the Kashmir Sultanate from 1528 to 1529 AD. During the reign, he issued gold, silver, and copper coins from Kashmir mint. The denominations are Dinar, Sasnu, and Kaserah.

The above shown gold Dinar of Ibrahim Shah was sold for INR 2,25,000 by Todywalla Auctions held on 24th April 2009. The obverse of the coin is inscribed with Kalima ‘La Ilaha Illallahu Muhammadur Rasulluah’. The reverse of a coin depicts the legend ‘ibrahim al-sultan a 'zam’.

Image Source: Todywalla Auctions