Come on come on let's sit on the ROLLER COASTER!

2017-04-27 Thu

“Oh, I’m grand.” Augustus Waters smiled with a corner of his mouth. “I’m on a rollercoaster that only goes up, my friend.” –Fault In Our Stars.

Amusement Parks are an important part of our life. No matter what the age, the concept of going to a park is the most exciting thing on this earth.

Correo Argentino, the official post of Argentina put these memories of ours onto fluorescent stamps! They issued five stamps under their amusement parks series on 1st August 2009. These commemorative stamps have a face value of 1 Argentine Peso each. Roughly 80,000 copies of these were printed.

The rides portrayed on these stamps are Autos Chocadores (Bumper Cars), Montana Rusa (Roller Coaster), Tren Fantasma (Ghost Train) and Vuelta al Mundo (Ferris Wheel).

Besides these, countries like the United States, United Kingdom, France, etc have also issued stamps on this theme.