sports postage stamps

Sports are an important aspect of human life which leads to be fit and gain physical strength. Today sports have become a famous channel to gain both fame and money. Indian Government also promotes sports in many ways as they want the maximum number to engage in Sports. Sports; are promoted at both national and international levels. Indian Government had issued sports postage stamps.


Benefits of Sports

People engaged with sports always remain fit throughout his life, his blood pressure remains normal, and his blood vessels also remain clean. Their sugar level reduces, and their cholesterol also comes down by daily sports activity. Sports also help the lungs system; to function well as more oxygen; is supplied to the lungs.

Discipline is an important aspect of humans life; as it helps a person to develop a new character. Sports make a person discipline by teaching different things like sitting, talking, walking, etc. Sports also help the person; to improve their thinking ability and help them deal with their stress. Sports; should be made mandatory in school to make students active in their life.


Sports Postage Stamps


The Indian government is taking major steps to promote sports at the school level. Many stamps with the theme of Sports are issue under the theme of Indian Commemorative Stamps. India had issued many stamps with the sports and sports person some the examples are Dhyan Chand, Cottari Kanakaiya Nayudu, Sachin Tendulkar, etc. The above sports postage stamps, of Swimming, Gymnastics, and Cycling were issued by the Portuguese, in the year 1961. The stamp on running was issued by Indians in the year 1990 to promote XI Asian Games.


Sports and Games Enhance Social Relationship

Physical activities make people more active; it also helps them understand how to work in a team. One can have a good collection of stamps with the theme of Sports. One can also book Indian stamps online. 


Sports Postage Stamps


The above sports postage stamps are on Cricket, Football, Hockey, and Volleyballs were issued by different countries to promote sports.


Sports make us Strong Emotionally

People engaged with sports are strong emotionally. It helps them to deal with some emotional issues in their life; both at home, school, office, and others. Skills develop in kids through sports make them accept all defeats as wells as a win. People engaged in sports are in a better position in every situation.


Sports Postage Stamps


There are many sports that teach us how to do teamwork and stand for the team and how to take our team from losing to win- win position. Badminton, Basketball, Kabaddi, Tennis are some of the games that develop special skills in humans. The above These sports postage stamps are issued by different countries with different themes. The stamp with the Badminton theme is issued by Sweden in 1989, The stamp with the Basketball issued by Kenya in 1992, the Stamp with the theme of Kabaddi was issued by India in the year 1990 and the stamp with the theme of Tennis was issued by Nicaragua in the year 1984


Building Skills

One of the most important things about sports is that they develop important skills that are more important are one’s life. Sports develop the skills like Teamwork, leadership, patience, discipline, learning from failure, sportsmanship, Sense of Confidence, mutual trust, dedication, etc. One remains more active, healthy, and positive by practicing sports regularly.


Getting engaged in sports is the most fundamental and integral part of Indian Society. One of the most important things that sports teach us is teamwork. It teaches us how to work with the team and stand for our team. It also teaches us how to sacrifice for our team at the time of need.


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