Jersey Post celebrating girl guiding

2019-07-18 Thu

Jersey Post released six sets of stamps to mark the centenary of the Girlguiding in jersey. These stamps are illustrated by Nick Shewring these beautiful items features girls from the different sections of Girlguiding Jersey together with relevant promise Badges. The girls are shown taking part in activities such as charity work, overseas travel, camping and surfing which represents important Girlguiding Skill and Values.

Girlguiding was formed in 1919 and now consist around 500 members in 27 units around the island. The Girlguiding is sorted by age like Rainbows 98ages 5-7), Brownies (ages 7-10), Guides (ages 10-14), Rangers (ages14-18 and seniors (ages 18 and over). Members receive promise badges with Girlguiding logo and colour of the badges depends on which the girls are part of.

Image Courtesy: findyourstampvalue