The Faroe Island's Lady of Husavik Stamps

2019-07-16 Tue

Issued on 26th February, “Lady of Husavik” stamps of the Faroe Island feature the legend of wealthy Lady of Husavik.

Located between the Norwegian Sea and the North Atlantic Ocean, the Faroe Islands have been a self-governing country within the Danish Realm since 1948. In addition to themes related to its maritime location and heritage, the stamps of the Faroes postal service also bring us spell-binding fairy tales and legends that are a mix of fantasy and folklore.

This set of 3 stamps tells the well-known legend of the poor servant girl of Skuvoy, who discovered where the Viking chief, Sigmundur Brestisson, had buried his golden horn. After selling her treasure to the king; she was able to buy all the land in the village of Husavika and become the wealthiest woman ever to have lived in the Faroe Islands.

The stamps were issued with the denomination of 10 krona and feature the story in three parts being the discovery of the horn, the lady with a horse and lady sitting on a throne like a queen. The design of the stamp is in comic strip form and is done with the beautiful combination of green, dark green and black.

Image Courtesy: http://www.stampnewsnow.com

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