
Emperor Muhammad Azam Shah was born

2019-06-28 Fri

Muhammad Azam Shah, the eldest son of the Mughal Emperor Aurangzeb was born today on 28th June, 1653.

Azam Shah appointed as the heir apparent to his father in the year 1681 and retained that position until Aurangzeb’s death. He sat on the Mughal throne in Ahmednagar in the year 1707.

Shah ruled the Mughal Empire for a very small period of time; hence the coins issued by him are rare. During his long military career, He also served as Viceroy of Berar Subah, Malwa, Bengal, Gujarat, and Deccan; and he had played an active role in this area. His coinage ended with the Battle of Jajau, where he was killed by his stepbrother Bahadur Shah I in the year 1707 AD.

During the reign, he issued gold and silver coins in the denomination of Mohur and Rupee. These coins were struck at Ahmadabad, Ahmadnagar, Alamgirpur, Burhanpur, Junagarh, Surat, and Ujjain.

The above shown silver Rupee issued under his reign. The obverse of coins depicted the legend ‘Sikka zad dar jahan ba daulat-wa-jah badshah mumalik Azam Shah’ with AH 1118. The reverse of a coin julus-e-ashraf, sanah ahad, zarb Ahmadnagar’.

Image Source: Classical Numismatic Gallery