Gujarat Sultan Muzaffar Shah II

2019-06-03 Mon

Shams Al-Din Muzaffar Shah II, also known as Muzaffar II, was a Sultan of Gujarat. He was a sultan of Muzaffarid dynasty who ruled Gujarat from 1511 CE to 1526 CE. The real name of Muzaffar Shah II was Khalil Khan. He was the eldest son of Mahmud Begada and his Rajput wife, Rani Hirabai.

After sitting on the throne of Gujarat Sultanate, Muzaffar Shah II issued coins in four metals gold, silver, billon, and copper. Like the previous ruler Nasir Al-Din Mahmud Shah I, he did not issue any ‘Pedigree’ coin. Gold tanka issued by him weighs around 11.4g to 11.6g but there is some dateless gold tanka which weighs around 12.6g. Billon coins issued by him were of 96 rati weight standard, but coins with weight standard of 80 rati and 72 rati are also found.

This gold tanka which weighs around 11.4g was issued by him during the Hijri year 925.

Image Courtesy: Todywalla Auction