
Khalaf ibn Ahmad of Saffarid dynasty

2019-04-17 Wed

The Saffarid dynasty was Islamic Persian dynasty from Sistan (present day eastern Iran and southern Afghanistan). It was one of the first indigenous Persian dynasties to emerge after the Islamic invasions.

It ruled over parts of eastern Iran, with its capital Zaranj, Khorasan, Afghanistan, and Sistan from 861 to 1003. The dynasty began with Yaqub ibn al-Lyth al-Saffar, a coppersmith who moved to the city of Zaranj.

Khalaf ibn Ahmad was Saffarid Amir from 963 until 1002. He was the son of Ahmad, who re-established the Saffarid dynasty in Sistan. In the early part of his reign he shared power with Tahir Ibn Muhammad, who had served as a general in the Samanid Army. In 1002, Mahmud of Ghazni invaded Sistan, dethroned Khalaf I and finally ended the Saffarid dynasty.

Above shown gold Dinar issued during the reign of Khalaf from Sijistan mint. The obverse of a coin depicts the legend ‘La Ilaha Illallahu Muhammadur Rasulullah/ Al Tai Lillah Khalaf Ibn Ahmad Adl’. The reverse of a coin depicted the Surah Akhlas ‘qul huwwa / allah ahad allah / al-samad lam yalid wa lam / yulid wa lam yakun lahu / kufuwan ahad’.

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