
Blue Ridge Parkway Quarter Dollar

2019-03-11 Mon

The Blue Ridge Parkway is one of the Favourite parks of United States; it connects Shenandoah National Park on its northern end and the Great Smoky Mountains National Park on its southern end. The Blue Ridge Parkway is also called as “America’s Favourite Drive”.

The best way to explore this national park is to go out for a drive. The Blue Ridge Parkway is also known for providing access to some of the best hiking trails in the nation. The Blue Ridge Parkway is also known for scenic byway with natural attraction. It also provides numerous recreational opportunities and a cross-section of Appalachian mountain history.

The United States of America had issued a quarter dollar with the theme of Blue Ridge Parkway. The reverse of this coin depicts grace and curvature of the road hugging the side of a mountain, with the North Carolina state flower in the foreground.

Image Courtesy: usmint.gov