Victor Emmanuel II Becomes the King of Italy

2019-02-18 Mon

With Italian unification almost complete, Victor Emmanuel II of Piedmont, Savoy, and Sardinia assumes the title of King of Italy today on 18th February 1861.

Victor Emmanuel II was a son Prince of Carignano of Sardinia. After his father’s abdication, he became the King Sardinia. In 1859, he initiated Italo-French campaign against Austria, in order to unify Italy under one rule. Many treaties and many wars resulted in the proclamation of Victor Emmanuel as the first King of Italy by the new Parliament of unified Italy, on 17 March 1861.

A coin was immediately issued after Victor Emmanuel ascended the throne. The coin depicts the bare head of King Victor facing right with legend around “Vittorio Emanuele II Re D’Italia” (meaning: Victor Emanuele II King of Italy).

The reverse bears the crowned Coat of arms in the centre with a wreath around. The legend is “Cinduw Lire Italiane” (Meaning: Five Italian Lire). The bottom of the coins is Inscribed with the Mint name “Firenze” i.e Florence and year “Marzo 1861” March 1861.

After the Kingdom of Italy was established he decided to continue on as King Victor Emmanuel II instead of Victor Emmanuel I of Italy. Victor Emmanuel died in Rome in 1878 succeeded by his son Umberto I.

Image Courtesy: https://www.vcoins.com