
Newfoundland’s Rarest Stamp

2019-02-08 Fri

The 1 Shilling Scarlet Vermilion stamp issued in the year 1857 is one of the most sought after rarities of the Philatelic world and is the rarest and the most expensive stamp of the country.

This stamp was offered by Eastern Auctions Ltd. It is an excellent example of a perfect philatelic rarity. Along with mint never hinged condition, this stamp also comes with dull white original gum and large margins.

The stamp shows a blooming flower in the centre with an oval vignette which is inscribed with St. John Newfoundland. The stamp shows another inscription at the bottom which reads Postage with One shilling below it. The top left and right corners have the denomination value in numerals.

The stamp was offered with still retaining fresh scarlet vermilion color by Eastern Auctions Ltd at the price of USD 70,000.

Image Courtesy: https://findyourstampsvalue.com

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