
Hippopotamus on Roman coins

2019-12-10 Tue

The fauna has been the inspiration for many artistic works, so why should the field of numismatic be any different! The representation of the animal as the main design can be seen in the coinage of the Roman Republic, Roman Imperial issues and Roman provincial coins. There were many motives behind depicting these animals on a coin, like to commemorate an event, to connect with the legion, to connect with king or royalty, etc.

The above-shown coin was issued during the reign of Emperor Phillip I or Philip the Arab of Rome. It the reverse side of the coin illustrating Hippopotamus, the obverse of the coin depicts the bust of the Otacilia Severa, wife of Philip I. This coin is a part of the series issued by the Philip I for the Secular Games in conjunction with 1000th Year of Rome. The events and celebration occurred in 248 A.D.

All the coin issued of this event consists of the bust of Philip I, Otacilia Severa his wife and their son Philip II.

Image Courtesy: Americannumismatic.org