Centennial Olympics Gymnastics Silver Dollar

2019-08-30 Fri

Gymnastic is one of the sports which requires balance, strength, agility, coordination, and endurance. It is a systematic exercise which includes the use of rings, bars and other apparatus. Gymnastics is inverted from the exercise used to perform by ancient Greeks which includes the skills like mounting and dismounting a horse, and from circus performance skills.

The United States of America had issued this commemorative silver dollar with the theme of Gymnastics in the year 1995. The United States of America had issued silver dollar to support the 1996 Atlanta Centennial Olympics Games and the program of the United States Olympic Committee.

The obverse of this coin depicts female gymnast and a male gymnast alongside the Olympic rings logo. The revere of this coin depicts silhouette outlined design of the Olympic logo and clasped hands, to symbolize the brotherhood and team spirit of the Olympic Games.

Image Courtesy: usmint.gov