Mexican Stone Soup on Stamp
2019-08-28 Wed
The Jewel of Mexican Gastronomy has been featured by the Mexico Post! Mexican Stone Soup is not just a delicacy; it is a living tradition of a small village called Felipe Usila.Well before the arrival of the Spanish Chinantec villagers from the remote Oaxacan Province travelled for their small business. On the way, they would camp on the shores of the Papaloapan River and make soup. But not just any soup: a soup that would become legend. They used to gather whatever eatable found around them such as water, fish, shrimp; tomatoes, onions, chiles, and herbs.
Most Importantly a special kind of white river stone! These stones were heated on flames and dropped in the bowl full of the mixed ingredients. The rocks boil the river water in minutes, cooking the fish perfectly and sending the heady aroma of the herbs.
Known as ‘caldo de piedra’, the origin of the soup is not certain. It’s said that the soup is traditionally made by Chinantec men as a tribute to the village’s women and children. Today, caldo de piedra is a study in cultural and ecological change.
Mexico post in the remembrance of the age old tradition issued a se-tenant pair of stamps. The stamps come with the denomination of 2*7 Mexican new peso. One stamp depicts a Mexican traveler sitting on rock with ingredients of the soup and lit fire. The other stamp depicts the soup along with the herbs.
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