
The historical importance of City Lucknow

2019-08-08 Thu

Lucknow is the city situated in the Indian States of Uttar Pradesh on the bank of river Gomati. This city is also known its elaborate cuisine and Chikankaari, or exquisite shadow-work embroidery on fine muslin cloth. It is the eleventh most populous city and the twelfth most populous urban agglomeration of India. Lucknow is well as a multicultural city, as this city is flourished with the culture of North Indian and artistic hub. During the medieval period, this city was also the seat of power of Nawabs.

Lucknow is one of the historically important cities and for many centuries was at the heart of North Indian culture. This city is very much famous for its Adab and Tehzeeb (manners and hospitality), intricate embroidery, beautiful gardens and dance forms such as Kathak.

The city got its historical importance in the year 1528 CE when it captured by Mughal Emperor Babur. During the reign of Akbar, this city became the part of Oudh provinces. In the year 1775 the nawab of Oudh and transfer its capital from Faizabad to Lukhnow.

This silver rupee was issued by Mughal Akbar on the Hijri year 967 from the mint Lucknow. The obverse of this coin is inscribed with the name and title of the Akbar. The reverse of this coin is inscribed with the Kalima.

Image Courtesy: Todywalla Auction