
Independence Day of Jamaica

2019-08-06 Tue

The Colony of Jamaica gained independence from the United Kingdom on 6 August 1962. In Jamaica, this date is celebrated as Independence Day, a national holiday.

The Caribbean island now known as Jamaica was first settled by the Arawak and Taino peoples, who originated in neighboring South America. Though Christopher Columbus arrived in Jamaica at the end of the 15th Century, the Spanish Empire began its official rule in Jamaica in 1509 which lasted for 146 years.

In the year 1655, a large group of British sailors and soldiers landed in Kingston Harbour. After a brief Anglo-Spanish War, the British colonial jurisdiction over the island was quickly established that remained active until the end of World War II.

As World War II came to a close, a sweeping movement of decolonization overtook the world. British Government and local politicians began a long transition of Jamaica from a crown colony into an independent state. In the elections of 1962, the JLP defeated the PNP, resulting in the ascension of Alexander Bustamante to the premiership in April of that year.

the Parliament of the United Kingdom passed the Jamaica Independence Act, granting independence as of 6 August. On that day, the Union Jack was ceremonially lowered and replaced by the Jamaican flag throughout the country and the first Jamaica Independence Festival was held.

Jamaica Post celebrated the 21st Anniversary of the independence of the country on 6th August 1983. A special set of three postage stamps were issued with the denominations of 15, 20 and 45 cents which depicts year 21 in the center flanked by the portraits of Prime Ministers Alexander Bustamante & Norman Washington Manley.

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