Gold Mohur of Nawab of Surat
2019-06-27 Thu
A Nawab can be defined as a native governor during the time of the Mughal empire or a Muslim nobleman or person of high status.Surat is one of the Indian States which lies are on the western coast of India. The history of Surat states that it had always been an important trading center. During the ancient period state, Surat was known as Suryapur. The great explorer Hiuen Tsang had referred Surat as Sowrata and has described it as an important business town on the shore of Arabian Sea near Gujarat. During the Medieval period, it was one of the important centers for the Mughal Empire.
During the 18th century; when the power of the Mughal Empire starting declining the local governors of like many of their contemporaries elsewhere in India, assumed near independent powers.
This gold quarter mohur was issued by Nawab of Surat in the name of Mughal Emperor Shah Alam II.
Image Courtesy: Todywalla Auction
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