Sette Giugno

2019-06-07 Fri

Sette Giugno is a Maltese national holiday celebrated annually on June 7. It commemorates events which occurred on that day in 1919.

Malta, for nearly two centuries before the event, was under the British Rule. However, the World War – I disrupted life on Malta in terms of its economy and social structure. Along with the severe inflation, Malta suffered from unemployment and resentment among the Maltese against the British colonial government rose.

Ultimately, a general disdain for colonialism contributed to the spirit of unrest, which came to a head on the 7th June 1919. The events of the day began when protestors broke into a shop in Valetta flying a Maltese flag bearing a Union Jack. Following a series of riots by the Maltese population, British troops fired into the crowd, killing four.

The eventual outcome was that Malta did gain a greater degree of self-rule, but not any degree of real independence. This incident is completing 100 years in 2019. To commemorate the centenary of this incident The Central Bank of Malta has issued new silver collector coin worth 10 Euros.

Designed by graphic artist Noel Galea Bason, the obverse of the coin carries a representation of a standoff between a crowd and a squadron of armed soldiers. Above the primary design is the denomination of the coins, 10 EURO, and the commemorative inscription to the left of the design which reads 100 SENA SETTE GIUGNO 1919 2019, arranged in four lines.

The reverse side includes the standard motif consisting of the Maltese crest along with the top portion of a tower fortress. The text MALTA is placed to the left and the year of issue 2019 is placed on the right. The entire design is encircled with 12 incused stars symbolizing Malta’s membership in the EU and euro-zone.

Image Courtesy: https://news.coinupdate.com