Circulation of New €100 and €200 Banknotes Begins

2019-05-29 Wed

New €100 and €200 banknotes with improved security features were finally released for circulation on 28th May. A satellite hologram is included over a silver-coloured stripe that depicts € symbols. These symbols move upon tiling the banknote. Apart from that, the symbols become clearer when the note is held against a direct light source. The stripe shows a portrait of Europa, the architectural motif and a big € symbol. They feature an enhanced emerald number as well. € symbols can be seen inside the emerald number.

The height of the note is similar to that of the €50 banknote, making it easier for electronic note handlers and other machines to identify them. The size is also suitable as it fits easily inside wallets. This will increase their life as they won’t be exposed to wear and tear. The older notes will continue to be legal tender along with the new ones. However, they will be eventually taken out of circulation.

Image Courtesy: Google Images