Egyptian Hand Stamps

2018-11-27 Tue

The first known hand stamps from Egypt are those introduced during the Napoleonic period, 1798-1800.

The first postal system in Egypt was organised by Carlo Meratti, an Italian, in 1821. The handstamps are inscribed in Italian. In 1842 this service, which was a private enterprise, was named "POSTA EUROPEA". In 1857 it received Government permission to carry on all inland postal services.

The stamp is hand stamped on round and green paper with black letters embossed on them which read “UFFIZZIO di SAMANUD” in the centre “AMMINISTRAZIONE DELLA POSTA EUROPEA” around starting at 8O’clock and goes clockwise and “IN LEGITO” at the bottom starting at 7O’clock and goes counter-clockwise.

On 1 January 1865 the Egyptian Government purchased and took control of this service. The service was renamed to "POSTE VICE-REALI EGIZIAN".

Image Courtesy: https://en.wikipedia.org