National Doctor's Day

2018-03-30 Fri

Doctor’s Day in the US is observed on every 30th March. It is celebrated to recognize the contribution of physicians to individual lives and communities. The idea to celebrate this day came from Eudora Brown Almond, wife of Dr Charles B. Almond. On March 30, 1842, in Jefferson, Georgia, Dr Crawford Long used anaesthetize on a patient, James Venable, and painlessly excised a tumour from his neck. So, this date marks the first use of general anaesthesia in surgery. It is celebrated by the doctors gifting each other flowers and presents, motivational talks and conferences are also held.

Doctors are the one whom we trust when we fall sick. It is our trust in him that we believe, seeing him would be probably the cure. However, a good doctor is the one whose words are comforting and reassuring, as these are more powerful than medicines. USP issued a postage stamp of 3 cents depicting a doctor and a patient.

So today’s day surprise your doctor with some present. Stay healthy and eat well! And to all the doctors who are reading this, ‘you are more than a human, just keep curing and spreading the happiness ’.

Picture Courtesy: Wiki Commons