Gold Ashrafi of Amjad Ali Shah Sold For INR 1,00,000

2020-07-22 Wed

This gold Ashrafi was issued by Amjad Ali Shah of Princely State Awadh during his reign in Awadh. Amjad Ali Shah sat on the throne of Awadh after the death of his father, Muhammad Ali Shah. During his reign, Amjad Ali Shah issued coins in gold, silver, and copper from the mint Lucknow and Muhammadabad Banaras.

This gold Ashrafi was issued by Amjad Ali Shah, during the 5th year of his reign from the mint MulkAwadh Bait us-SultanatLakhnau in the Hijri year 1265. the obverse of this coin depicts parasol above crown and fish flanked by curved swords. The reverse of this coin depicts the name and title of Amjad Ali Shah.

This gold Ashrafi was sold for INR 1,00,000 in an electronic auction of Todywalla which was held on 5th July 2020.

Image Courtesy: Todywalla Auction