

A commemorative €2 coin will be released into circulation in Ireland this New Year. The coin marks...

2015-12-16 Wed

Formation of Bangladesh

On 16th Dec 1971 Bangladesh – formerly known as East Pakistan achieved independence after the war ...

2015-12-16 Wed

Boston Tea Party

The day of 16th Dec 1773 is considered to be the most revolutionary day in the history of America. T...

Great Britain Philatelic Society – GBPS celebrated its Diamond Jubilee on 10th Dec 2015. The celeb...

The UK Royal Mint celebrated the longest reigning monarch, Queen Elizabeth, with a silver coin. The ...

2015-12-16 Wed

The Ghost Stamps

Ghost stories have majority of fan following. Whether it may be a book, a movie or just a story, peo...

Sea Rescue Society of Aland Island has released a new stamp commemorating the 5oth Anniversary of th...

We handle coins every day. How many of us have stopped to think about how they’re made and how muc...

In a bid to increase demand and investment in gold in India, the Government of India announced gold ...

While emptying a septic tank at the Gangnan Elementary School in Hsinchu, Taiwan; the cleaning crew ...

In 2014, the United States Mint released its first cup-shaped or scyphate coins to celebrate the 10...

A Hellenistic tetradrachm bearing the portrait of Eumenes II, ruler of the Pergamene Empire on the o...

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