

Dynasty / Name of State : Delhi Sultan - Ghori

Ruler / Authority : Muhammad Bin Sam

Denomination : Jital

Metal : Billon

Shape : Round

Weight : 3.2

Minting Technique : Die Struck

Issued Year : NA

Size : 15MM

History of Muhammad Bin Sam
By 962 CE, South Asian kingdoms were under invasions from Muslim armies of Central Asia and Persia. This was the beginning of Islamic Invasion of India. Mahmud of Ghazni was the first to invade. He raided kingdoms of the north-western region of India 17 times, but never established territorial rule. He plundered wealth from these regions and carried the loot back to Ghazni.

Muhammad bin Sam, popularly known as Muhammad of Ghor, was th...

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Onkar Walunj15/11/2017

Above coin reads - Asavari samantadeva in the obverse and Prithvi rajadeva in the reverse ,so this is not the issue of Muhammad Bin Sam. - Arun Joy

Onkar Walunj15/11/2017

Above coin reads - Asavari samantadeva in the obverse and Prithvi rajadeva in the reverse ,so this is not the issue of Muhammad Bin Sam. - Arun Joy

Onkar Walunj15/11/2017

Above coin reads - Asavari samantadeva in the obverse and Prithvi rajadeva in the reverse ,so this is not the issue of Muhammad Bin Sam. - Arun Joy

Onkar Walunj23/12/2018

Above coin issued by Prithviraj Chauhan of Ajmir / Delhi ,not Muhammad bin sam .