Tamil Becomes A Classical Language of India

2020-06-06 Sat

The country like India makes us wonder about its rich culture and heritage. Today we are going to tell you one more unheard thing that will make if you feel proud of India! Well…We are talking about the oldest languages of India.

Did you know that Tamil has been declared to be a classical language along with Sanskrit?

Yes…Tamil has become a classical language in 2004. Let us see what made Tamil as a classical language of India.

First and foremost it is one of the oldest languages in India. The very first inscription ever recorded in Tamil was in 1st and 2nd century BC. Also, Tamil has been described as ‘the only language of contemporary India which is recognizably continuous with a classical past’.

The most interesting thing which is noted is that more than 55% of the epigraphical inscriptions that were found by the Archaeological Survey of India are in the Tamil language…isn't that amazing?

Tamil is an official language of two countries, Singapore and Sri Lanka!

So many things are found in Tamil so then how come the Indian coins can be left behind? Dynasties like Pandya, Chola, Nayaka, Bana Kingdom etc have issued coins having Tamil legend.

The above coin is issued for the TulaBharam ceremony of the King. The obverse depicts a conch shell within a wreath and the reverse depicts Sri Padmanabha in Tamil in three lines within wreath. The Tulabharam coins were struck for the weighing ceremony of the Maharaja. Those not used on the scales were distributed amongst the Brahmins. The legend “Sri Padmanabha” on reverse refers to the national deity