Get ready to have this coin!

2017-04-13 Thu

Gold coin collectors get ready to spend all your money this summer over the outstanding specimens of coins!

The picture aside is the Shilaharas (1100 CE-1200CE) gold Gadyana coin weighing around 3.98 grams.

The obverse of the coin depicts an anthropomorphic Garuda in dancing pose, having a human face with wings, holding a snake in his one hand. The reverse of the coin depicts a temple with crescent moon and sun on the either side of it. This throws light on the architecture of the Shilahara dynasty which includes vimana, shikhara, and pillars.

Well… it is difficult to make out to whom the temple is attributed. But scholars opine that the object of worship is a linga so the temple is attributed to Lord Shiva.

The coin does not bear any legend on it which makes difficult to speculate though after studying the iconography in detail, this coin is attributed to the Shilahara Dynasty as Garuda was the dynastic emblem of Shilaharas.

This particular specimen is put up in the Todywalla Auctions and is estimated price is already starting at INR 4,00,000.

So what are you waiting for? This one of its kind specimens will definitely increase the value in your Gold collection. Hurry up before it gets sold out!