Poland’s Post-WWII Anti-communist Resistance Commemorated

2017-02-28 Tue

Poland’s post-WWII anti-communist resistance movement has been commemorated on two special silver coins. This coin would be the first of a series which would contain more than twenty coins.

Its reverse features a group of soldiers with trees in the background, a red-and-white Polish flag and the inscription: "They behaved as they should have done."

The second coin honours the medical orderly Danuta Siedzikówna. She belonged to the Polish underground Home Army and was executed in 1946 when she was 17 years old by the Soviet-backed communist regime in Poland after World War II. The National Day of the “Cursed Soldiers” is observed on 1st March to commemorate some members of Poland's anti-communist movements.

Poland's underground army of World War II was dissolved in 1945 but thousands continued to fight against the communism spread by the Soviet Red Army.