Your Coins need Care and Protection too!

2020-08-14 Fri

In the current scenario, we find ourselves in a new epoch- an epoch of working from home, isolating, and social distancing. As we got the opportunity to stay at home, we can invest it in coin conservation, learn new concepts of preserving, build new skills for handling and preserve it for a better future.

We as a Mintage World team want to make it easier than ever for every collector to invest in preserving your valuable coin collection with the help of Lighthouse Coin Capsule .

These are the original coin capsules from Leuchtturm which gives the optimal protection for your coins. It is made of high-quality, scratch-resistant plastic. The capsules are easy to open due to the outer edge and still have a secure closure. The pack has 10 transparent capsules of 27 mm size.

Disclaimer: We are glad to be at your service. We would like to share that all the needful precautions and sanitization are taking care of our ends. We appreciate your patience and trust! #StayHomeStaySafe