
Double Falus

Dynasty / Name of State : Delhi Sultan - Tughluq Dynasty

Ruler / Authority : Mahmud Shah Bin Muhammad

Denomination : Double Falus

Metal : Copper

Shape : Round

Weight : 8.9-9.1

Type/Series : INO Mahmud bin Muhammad

Minting Technique : Die Struck

Issued Year : 806

Size : NA

History of Mahmud Shah Bin Muhammad
Third of the five dynasties that ruled Delhi, the Tughluq Dynasty was, perhaps, one of the strongest of the Delhi Sultanates. Established in the early 1300s by Ghiyasuddin Tughlaq, the members of the dynasty were Turkic in origin. Their rule lasted for approximately a century.

In the history of Muhammad-bin-Tughluq’s rule, the region witnessed growth and prosperity and reached its zenith. On the other hand, it also suffered a major ...

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