

Dynasty / Name of State : Indo - Scythian

Ruler / Authority : Azes II

Denomination : Tetradrachm

Metal : Silver

Shape : Round

Weight : 8.5 - 9.5 g

Type/Series : KMW - Nikephoros Type

Minting Technique : Die Sruck

Issued Year :

Size :

History of Azes II
Scythians is a generic term which refers to a group of people originated in Central Asia who migrated towards south and west. They consisted of various clans who were scattered in different groups in Eurasia. The name “Scythian” came from ‘skutalai’ who is believed to be their founder king. The word ‘skutalai’ probably got corrupted by Greeks into Scythian. The word “scythes” means archer or shooter. However, the people of the cla...

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