Croatia Post Gets Philosophical

2016-12-22 Thu

On the occasion of World Philosophy day, Croatian Post issued a special stamp celebrating birth anniversary of Greek philosopher Aristotle. Philosophers and philosophical institutions even today have the task of thinking critically, independently and creatively and contribute in making the world a better place. Introduced by UNESCO in 2002, World Philosophy Day is celebrated every third Thursday in November. The year 2016 also coincides with the 2400th birth anniversary of the ancient Greek philosopher and scientist Aristotle. Born in 384 BC, Aristotle was one of the few students to enter Plato’s Academy. He is known for books about Logic, biological-scientific work, metaphysics, ethnic records, books about aesthetics and esoteric records. To commemorate this great philosopher, Croatia issued a stamp with the denomination of 0.90 Croatian kuna that features the bust of Aristotle’s beautiful sculpture.