The Universal Declaration of Human Rights

2016-12-10 Sat

Human rights are rights inherent to all human beings. We see the very first depiction of these rights on the Cyrus Cylinder and with the change in time in human behaviour, there was a need to make a systematic draft of Human rights.

On 10th of December 1948, the Universal Declaration of Human Rights was finally adopted by the United Nations General Assembly at Paris. The declaration consists of 30 Rights which clearly state in simple terms about the rights which belong equally to every person.

India issued a commemorative stamp on 10th December 2008 celebrating the 60th Anniversary of Universal declaration of Human Rights.

Though it is a tiny piece of blue art it has a great meaning to it as it includes the humble personalities like Mahatma Gandhi, Abraham Lincoln, Mother Teresa and Martin Luther. “Sab ke liye garima aur nyaya” which means “Dignity and Justice for all of us” is seen on either side of the stamp. It has a face value of 5 INR.

To view this stamp with more detail click here

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